Copyright law and Copyright Infringement
Copyright law and Copyright Infringement
What is the difference between copyright law and copyright infringement? Why is it important to protect our own work from those people claiming that they are the real owner? Why is it prohibited that you must not copy the ideas of others?
Definition and understanding of
copyrights: The legal right that is created by enforcement of law by a country
that provides the creator of an original exclusive work rights to use and
distribute it, usually for a limited time with the aim of enabling the
initiator to get compensation for their intellect work is known as copyright
such as literacy, scientific and artistic domains. facebook-1-750x375.jpg
Copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works. The copyright holder is typically the work's creator, or a publisher or other business to whom copyright has been assigned.
According to the Republic Act No. 8293, or known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines(IP code). Copying original and intellectual creations considered as copyright infringement and punishable by the law. The difference between the two is copyright infringements is a violation of the rights of a person protected by copyright law and copyright law has been developed to give an individual copyright holder making him the original creator of a particular composition.
As the provision of copyright law implemented I am agree with the terms and policies given. Being safety of your works is important even it has a high cost in purchasing such music, literacy, video and others. Those works are very important to those who create and a valuable one. It is not easy to make those kind of things except to those brilliant and fast learner. For me, even it will cost a lot but still ,it is the law and you should not abide and understand it.
If someone posted something embarrassing about me I will tell her to stop posting bad rumors about me or else ignore she/he so that the problem will not become bigger.
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